2022- Painting with Light, Allentown PA
2022- De idolos Altares y Pedestales, New York  Â
2021- De Tierra, semillas y Nuevos Ciclos New YorkÂ
2021- Del Amor Suenos y Otros Demonions New York Â
2020- De Santos Miedos y Otros Hechizos, New YorkÂ
2020- Through The Roof: From the Declaration to Independence< New YorkÂ
2019- Dessalichados, New YorkÂ
2019—Watermarks, New York, NYÂ
2019— Catching the Light , New YorkÂ
2019— Equidistancia . New York , NY
2018— Truck of Color, New York
2017— Salto al Corazón -Retrospective. New York.
2016— La Revolución Cromática. El Museo del Barrio. New York.
2015— Reencuentro. White Gallery. Miami-Florida.
2015— Making History. Curators: Krista Saunders Scenna of Ground Floor Gallery, and Dexter Wimberly. New York. 2014— Dewdrop Mosaic Memories. New York.
2013— Type Indicators. Curated by Wilson Duggan. Brooklyn, NY.
2004— Geometric Dreams. New York.
2001— Viaje de Color / Chromatic Experience. Centro Bellas Artes-Ateneo de Maracaibo. Sala 1. Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Art Residences
2022- Arts Academy Elementary School PA
2022-Chalet M, Austria
2022- Berlin, Germany
2020 -Muro de Flores , Riegelsville PA
2019- Aramauca, Mexico
2019- Burning Man